
Tinos brims with must-see sights!

Tinos, a splendid island, inextricably linked to late modern history. Of great cultural and religious interest, attracting each year, especially in the summertime, thousands of visitors from all over Greece and the world. Tinos’ sights and points of interest are numerous, worth the visit and cover all tastes!

The Church of Annunciation (Panagia Evaggelistiria or Megalohari) in Tinos

Panagia Tinou

The Church of Annunciation (Panagia Tinou or Evaggelistiria) is one of the most important religious centers of Orthodoxy worldwide and the most frequent pilgrimage destination within Greece. The island of Tinos is inextricably linked to the Church of Virgin Mary (Panagia). Whoever has the experience of visiting it, can understand how deep is the relationship between Tinians and the church and what’s more, how strongly they believe and how deeply they love Panagia.


The Cultural Foundation of Tinos

“Polymereio”, the beautiful, renovated neoclassical building of 1925, houses the Cultural Foundation of Tinos. The Cultural Foundation of Tinos was founded in 2002 by the Panhellenic Holy Foundation Evangelistria, by which it is financially supported. The purpose of this institute (I.TI.P) is the research, study and promotion of the history, art, culture and tradition of Tinos.


Archaeological Museum of Tinos

The Archaeological Museum of Tinos was built in the 1960s at the expense of the Archaeological Society, on the main road of Chora leading to the church of Our Lady of the Annunciation (Panagia). Until today, the architectural structure is kept intact, with the museological data of that era bringing up interesting and “nostalgic” memories.