Hotel Policy

Children policy

  • All children are welcome.
  • One child under 5 years of age can stay free of charge, when using the standard bed.
  • There is no option of adding extra beds in a room.

Check-in policy

  • Check-in times from 13:00 until 22:00
  • Check-out times from 08:00 until 11:00

Charging policy

  • To book your reservation you will need an advance payment deposited in a bank account amounting to 50% of total accommodation fees.
  • A credit card is necessary to guarantee your reservation.
  • The hotel accepts Visa, Maestro, Mastercard and Paypal.

Cancellation policy

Reservation changes or cancellations are allowed free of charge within 10 days. This policy dictates cancellation management.

  • For cancellations up to 10 days before the booking, there will be no cancellation charges.
  • For later cancellations, you are charged with 50%.
  • In case of no show, you will be charged with the total amount of the reservation fee.

Non refundable

  • Guests are charged with the total amount of the reservation fee in the case of cancelling at any given time.
  • Guests are required to pay in advance for the total amount of the reservation fee at any given time.